Happy Valentine's Day!

Hi bab -- I hope you are have incredible day!
As we have discussed previously I am really bad
at the handwriting and arts and crafts so instead
I tried to make this one (I haven't touched
html in years so it ended up pretty ugly ngl but I tried).

I just want you to know that I love you so so much
and I am so happy n lucky to have you in my life.

With that said, here are my favorite photos of you
of litraly all time litraly.

From the beginning of it all
The beginnings
To the super beginning of it all
The beginnings
To the random adventures
The adventures
To the "friendly" competitions

From litraly the cafeteria
Cutie patootie one
to the elevator
Elevator girl

Litraly everywhere and everywhen I am love yous.
So happy Valentine's Day n I love you so much n marry me n stuff.
